
Ways to Reduce our Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint summarizes your contribution to the carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that have contributed greatly to climate change. There are vast of reasons why we emit carbon dioxide, usually through cars and other activities that give out carbon dioxide as waste product.

Carbon footprints can and should be reduced. This is important so we become environmentally friendly and reduce the effects of climate change. Your contributions to the overall carbon emission reduction can make the difference.

Here are some ways we can reduce our carbon footprint:

1. Follow the basics for the 3 R’s: You could have seen it in every packaging of products. Reduce, reuse and recycle. This is the simplest of all ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint. Doing these eliminates the need to purchase new products that will give a constant increase in your carbon footprint. Bottled water for example has a large carbon footprint because of the manufacturing of plastics. If you can reduce your usage of products that have tremendous carbon footprint upon manufacturing; reuse and recycle them, then you’ll surely decrease your footprint too.

2. Keeping your old stuff – New product models are made with large carbon footprints for their manufacturing. This means that the more you by new stuff, the more you increase your footprint. For example, if you have an old car that works, keep it. When you buy a new one, you get to have an increase in carbon footprint. Staying steady on your old stuff, makes you maintain your carbon footprint to a low level.

3. Have the discipline to unplug – Appliances when plugged will use up energy even when in standby. You should have the discipline to keep almost all appliances unplugged when not in use. Doing will this will save you up on bills while lowering your energy consumption, hence lowered carbon footprint. It just takes a little change in our day to day lifestyle to have a decrease in carbon footprint.

4. Buy only what you need – Buying stuff will increase your energy consumption, add the manufacturing costs for the unit you buy, plus the total energy costs then you’ll see that you pay the price for carbon footprint every time you buy one new item. You can save up on your carbon footprint by buying only the things that you need. If you have the urge to buy, try to assess its uses first and if it’s worth the buy.

5. Going organic and checking packages – You can always save up your carbon footprint by checking the packages of the things you buy. Always check the packaging and go local as much as possible. Get into the organic stuff, this way processing does not give out as much carbon dioxide emission. Going natural also means that you become environment friendly.

It is easy to have a lower carbon dioxide emission, but it is important that you seek out new practices in your life. To reduce your carbon footprint, it important that you change your point of view and the way you do things. A little push may bring a long way in reducing carbon footprints.